Web_Reg_Save_Param_Ex Example

Web_Reg_Save_Param_Ex Example

6/1/2019  · ‘web_reg_save_param’ has a CONVERT attribute for changing from HTML format to URL or Text formats. This attribute is not available with ‘web_reg_save_param_ex’. If you require this functionality then use web_reg_save_param_ex to save the dynamic value to a parameter then use web_convert_param to format the parameter.

6/1/2019  · In the following example, the parameter name is c_custID: web_reg_save_param(c_custID, LB=customerID=, RB=, Ord=All, LAST) The first match is saved as c_custID_1, the second match is saved as c_custID_2, and so forth. You can retrieve the total number of matches by using the following parameter ParamName_count. For example , to retrieve the total number of matches saved to the.

Whenever the ORD=ALL attribute is used with the web_reg_save_param_ex function, VuGen creates an array containing the number of instances that are actually captured. It also stores the total count for the number of instances automatically. This count can be referenced by getting the value of “_count”.

3/18/2008  · web_reg_save_param function explained. As explained in one of my previous posts, web_reg_save_param is THE most important function when you are working with LoadRunner. We will start with the syntax and then touch upon some examples to get a clear idea. int web_reg_save_param (const char *mpszParamName, ,LAST), 3/1/2017  · Performance Testing, Load Testing, Correlation in LoadRunner, web_ reg_save_param _ex, LoadRunner Correlation example , Detailed explanation of web_ reg_save_param _ex, PerfLink: LoadRunner – Correlation Functions – web_ reg_save_param _ex, web_reg_save_param | LoadRunner Correlation Function, web_reg_save_param_ex | LoadRunner Correlation Function, parsing – LoadRunner web_reg_save_param, ord=all, paramName_coun…, web_reg_save_param_ex | LoadRunner Correlation Function, Add a web_reg_save_param function to the script, above the piece of code which requests the page with the value to capture. Add a parameter name, left boundary, the right boundary, and occurrence to the function. Parameterize the dynamic value in the script every time it occurs. Verify correct execution.

Example : web_ reg_save_param . The following examples are presented for web_ reg_save_param . Example 1: Saving simple text strings Case of saving a single string Case requiring handling arrays Example 2: Saving a text by using binary boundaries Example 3: Saving a.

web_ reg_save_param _ex( ParamName=correlationID, LB=considertakingadump?, RB=, SEARCH_FILTERS, Scope=Headers, LAST) And it gets picked up, and it.

web_reg_save_param_ex( . ParamName=flightID1, LB=input type=hidden name=flightID value=, RB=, Ordinal=ALL, SEARCH_FILTERS, LAST) arrSize = lr_paramarr_len(flightID1) flightID = lr_paramarr_idx(flightID1, arrSize ), The proper API to use is web_reg_save_param_ex which does support the syntax you used so the call should look like: web_reg_save_param_ex( ParamName=rotaPeople, LB=someText, RB=), Ord=ALL, LAST) Then the rest of your code should work properly.
